Welcome to RestORM

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RestORM allows you to interact with resources as if they were objects (object relational mapping), mock an entire API and incorporate custom client logic.


RestORM structures the way you access a RESTful API and allows you to access related resources. On top of that, you can easily mock an entire API and replace the real client with a mock version in unit tests. RestORM is very extensible but offers many functionalities out of the box to get up and running quickly.

Currently, RestORM works on Python 2.5+ with Python 3 support on its way.


  • Object relational mapping of API resources (Django-like but does not depend on Django at all).
  • Flexible client architecture that can be used with your own or third party clients (like oauth).
  • Extensive mocking module allows you to mock API responses, or even complete API’s.
  • Examples for Twitter and Flickr API.


RestORM is on PyPI, so you can simply use:

$ pip install restorm

If you want the latest development version, get the code from Github:

$ pip install -e git+git://github.com/joeribekker/restorm.git#egg=restorm


  1. Get the code from Github:

    $ git clone git://github.com/joeribekker/restorm.git
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    $ cd restorm
    $ virtualenv .
    $ source bin/activate
  3. Setup the project for development:

    $ python setup.py develop
  4. Start hacking!


RestORM has a whooping 90% test coverage. Although reaching 100% is not a goal by itself, I consider unit testing to be essential during development.

Performing the unit tests yourself:

pip install nose
python setup.py nosetest


Until a version 1.0 release, backwards incompatible changes may be introduced in future 0.x versions.

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